Thursday, April 24, 2014

Enabling recording of IPv6 responses in dns_spy component of POX controller

dns_spy Component which comes with POX does not support or record IPv6 addresses in DNS responses so I made some modifications to existing component.

To store IPv6 DNS replies, created two new dictionary variables ipv6_to_name and name_to_ipv6.

Note: I have commented out lookup function, as dictionaries can be accessed with core.DNSSpy.DictionaryName in other components

 # Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley  
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  
 # You may obtain a copy of the License at:  
 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  
 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  
 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  
 # limitations under the License.  
 This component spies on DNS replies, stores the results, and raises events  
 when things are looked up or when its stored mappings are updated.  
 Similar to NOX's DNSSpy component, but with more features.  
 from pox.core import core  
 import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of  
 import pox.lib.packet as pkt  
 import pox.lib.packet.dns as pkt_dns  
 from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr  
 from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr6  
 from pox.lib.revent import *  
 log = core.getLogger()  
 class DNSUpdate (Event):  
  def __init__ (self, item):  
   self.item = item  
 class DNSLookup (Event):  
  def __init__ (self, rr):  
   Event.__init__() =  
   self.qtype = rr.qtype  
   self.rr = rr  
   for t in pkt_dns.rrtype_to_str.values():  
    setattr(self, t, False)  
   t = pkt_dns.rrtype_to_str.get(rr.qtype)  
   if t is not None:  
    setattr(self, t, True)  
    setattr(self, "OTHER", False)  
    setattr(self, "OTHER", True)  
 class DNSSpy (EventMixin):  
  _eventMixin_events = set([ DNSUpdate, DNSLookup ])  
  def __init__ (self, install_flow = True):  
   self._install_flow = install_flow  
   self.ip_to_name = {}  
   self.ipv6_to_name = {}  
   self.name_to_ip = {}  
   self.name_to_ipv6 = {}  
   self.cname = {}  
   # Add handy function to console  
   #core.Interactive.variables['lookup'] = self.lookup  
  def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):  
   if self._install_flow:  
    msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()  
    msg.match = of.ofp_match()  
    msg.match.dl_type = pkt.ethernet.IP_TYPE  
    msg.match.nw_proto = pkt.ipv4.UDP_PROTOCOL  
    msg.match.tp_src = 53  
    msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = of.OFPP_CONTROLLER))  
  #def lookup (self, something):  
  # if something in self.name_to_ip:  
  # return self.name_to_ip[something]  
  # if something in self.cname:  
  #  return self.lookup(self.cname[something])  
  # try:  
  #  return self.ip_to_name.get(IPAddr(something))  
  # except:  
  #  return None  
  def _record (self, ip, name):  
   # Handle reverse lookups correctly?  
   modified = False  
   val = self.ip_to_name.setdefault(ip, [])  
   if name not in val:  
    val.insert(0, name)  
    modified = True  
   val = self.name_to_ip.setdefault(name, [])  
   if ip not in val:  
    val.insert(0, ip)  
    modified = True  
   return modified  
  def _record_ipv6 (self, ip, name):  
   modified = False  
   val = self.ipv6_to_name.setdefault(ip, [])  
   if name not in val:  
    val.insert(0, name)  
    modified = True  
   val = self.name_to_ipv6.setdefault(name, [])  
   if ip not in val:  
    val.insert(0, ip)  
    modified = True  
   return modified  
  def _record_cname (self, name, cname):  
   modified = False  
   val = self.cname.setdefault(name, [])  
   if name not in val:  
    val.insert(0, cname)  
    modified = True  
   return modified  
  def _handle_PacketIn (self, event):  
   p = event.parsed.find('dns')  
   if p is not None and p.parsed:  
    for q in p.questions:  
     if q.qclass != 1: continue # Internet only  
     self.raiseEvent(DNSLookup, q)  
    def process_q (entry):  
     if entry.qclass != 1:  
      # Not internet  
     if entry.qtype == pkt.dns.rr.CNAME_TYPE:  
      if self._record_cname(, entry.rddata):  
       self.raiseEvent(DNSUpdate,"add cname entry: %s %s" % (entry.rddata,  
     elif entry.qtype == pkt.dns.rr.A_TYPE:  
      if self._record(entry.rddata,  
       self.raiseEvent(DNSUpdate,"add dns entry: %s %s" % (entry.rddata,  
     elif entry.qtype == pkt.dns.rr.AAAA_TYPE:  
      if self._record_ipv6(entry.rddata,  
       self.raiseEvent(DNSUpdate,"add dns entry: %s %s" % (entry.rddata,  
    for answer in p.answers:  
    for addition in p.additional:  
 def launch (no_flow = False):  
  core.registerNew(DNSSpy, not no_flow)  

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